The Value of a Hard Money Lender

hard money lender

Looking for a hard money lender? You’ve come to the right place. Murk Investments are here to help you with all your bridge loan needs. As a hard money lender, our team will work with you to get you financing on your timeline.

We are the best option when it comes to getting a short-term loan. Even though hard money loans have higher interest rates than conventional loans, hard money loans allow you to get in and out of the market faster. Our ability to close quickly and conveniently on your timeline is often why we’re chosen over other lenders. Investors will lose out on many opportunities going through a bank for financing. Banks can take 30-60+ days to close on larger commercial or distressed properties. Hard money lenders like us are here to help you finance a short-term real estate transaction, so you can jump on an opportunity fast, which is necessary in this real estate market.

At Murk Investments, we are local to the San Diego area and are comfortable working in this market better than a national or regional lender. We lend on properties in most San Diego markets. One of the most important factors we look at is the cash the investor is bringing into the deal. All of our loans fall under a 70% loan to cost.

Do not hesitate to reach out and discuss your next deal!

If you want to learn more about hard money loans or what types of hard loans we offer, call 760-453-0409 or visit our hard money lender contact page. We look forward to speaking with you! Murk Investments Corp. Is based in San Diego.

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